©2020 Kemal Altintop


My name is Kemal Altintop. I am a 30 year old front-end web developer living and working in Istanbul, TR.

After graduating from the Computer Programming in University, I worked at ARCMedya, Dion Adworks and Gen3 Creative advertising agencies. I work at hemenkiralik.com for 6 years in Front-End Web Developer position

I love work in all things web standards, accessibility, semantic code, user experience and building website good practices.

Hi!, I’m 30 year old front-end developer living in Istanbul, Turkey




» JavaScript, jQuery, jQueryUI

» Atom.io, Affinity Designer, Gulp

» PHP, MySQL, CodeIgniter

I’ve worked freelance with full-time clients and full time for agencies and Startups. I have been developing and designing for web for almost 10 years, completing websites and web applications.